Myocardial Infarction PPT with Easy Explanation for Bams Student

Notes Details: Course: BAMS | Profession: Bams 1st Prof. |Topic: Myocardial Infarction | Language: Hindi, English.

Learn A to Z about Myocardial Infarction in a simple and understandable way. @Ayurevda_sidhi

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Definition of MI

Acute Myocardial Infraction may be defined as necrosis of myocardium due to impaired blood supply according to the need of a tissue. MI is also known as a heart attack. The contractive function stops in the necrotic areas of the heart. Ischemia usually occurs due to blockage of the coronary vessels. This blockage is often a result of thrombus that is superimposed on an ulcerated or unstable atherosclerotic plaque for motion in the coronary artery.

Area affected in MI

MI’s are described by the area of occurrence.
-Anterior wall of LV.
-Inferior wall of LV.
-Lateral wall of LV.
-Posterior wall of LV.
-Rt Ventricle.

Events occur in MI

  1. Ischemia
    -Occurs in outermost areas. Myocardial tissue
    is viable if no further infarction.
  2. Injury
    -Viable tissue found between ischemia and infracted areas.
  3. Infraction
    -Occurs in the centre area. Dead tissue that turns into
    a scar.

MI Classification

MI can be sub categorized by anatomy and clinical diagnostic information.

  1. Anatomic
    • -Transmural.
    • -Sub endocardial.
  2. Diagonostic
    • -ST elavations (STEMI)
    • -Non ST elavations (NSTEMI)

Risk Factors

The presence of any risk factor is associated with doubling the risk of an MI.

  1. Non-Modifiable
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Family History
  2. Modifiable
    • Smoking
    • Tobacco use increases the risk of coronary artery disease and that is two to six times more than non-smokers.
    • Nicotine increases platelet thrombus adhesion and vessel inflammation.

Diabetes and Hypertension

Diabetes not only increases the rate of atherosclerotic formation in vascular vessels but also at an earlier age.

The constant stress of high blood pressure as been associated with the increased rate of plaque formation.


Elevated levels of cholesterol, LDL’s or triglycerides are associated with the increased risk of coronary plaque formation and MI.

Almost 50% of the population has some form of dyslipidemia.

Obesity and Physical inactivity

Mortality rate is high form coronary artery disease in those who are obese. Some evidence shows that those who carry their weight in their abdomen have a higher incidence of coronary artery disease.

Physically inactive people have lower HDL levels with higher LDL levels and increase in clot formation.

Read More about Myocardial Infarction from the below given pdf.

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