योनिव्यापद विभिन्न आचार्य मतानुसार | Notes for BAMS 3rd Year of Prasuti Tantra & Stree Roga (HINDI/ENGLISH)

Notes Details: Course: BAMS | Profession: Bams 3rd Prof. | Subject: Prasuti Tantra & Stree Roga (HINDI/ENGLISH) | Language: Hindi, English.

योनिव्यापद की संख्या सभी आचार्यो ने २० ही मानी है। योनिव्यापद को आचार्यो ने दोषो के आधार पर विभिन्न संख्या में बाटा है।

यहाँ योनिव्यापद के भेदो की एक तुलनात्मक एवं सरल तालिका दी जा रही है। जिससे छात्र छात्रएं सरलता से अध्यन कर सके।

types of yonivyapad - BAMS 3rd year Notes

दोष चरक सं. सुश्रुत सं. अ.सं.
वातज वातिकी, अचरणा, अतिचरणा, प्रकचरणा, उदावर्तिनी, पुत्रघ्नी, अंतर्मुखी, सुचीमुखी, शुष्का, षण्ढयोनि, महायोनि। उदावर्ता, बन्ध्या, विलुप्ता, परिलुप्ता, वातला। वातिकी, अचरणा, अतिचरण, प्रकचरणा, उदावर्तिनी, पुत्रघ्नी, अंतर्मुखी, सुचीमुखी, शुष्का, षण्ढयोनि, महायोनि।
पित्तज पैत्तिकी, रक्तयोनि, अरजस्का। रुधिरक्षरा, वामिनी, स्त्रंसिनी, पुत्रघ्नी, पित्तला पैत्तिकी, रक्तयोनि
कफज श्लैष्मिकी अत्यानन्दा, कर्णिनी, अचरणा, अतिचरणा, श्लेष्मला। श्लैष्मिकी
त्रिदोषज सन्निपतिकि। षण्डा, फलिनी, पहती, सूचिवक्त्रा, सर्वजा। सन्निपतिकि।
वातपित्तज परिलुप्ता, वामिनी लोहितक्षया,परिलुप्ता
वातकफज उपप्लुता, कर्णिनी उपप्लुता, कर्णिनी
कृमिज विलुप्ता

Charak Samhita

Vaatika yonivypad – This type of yonivypad is caused by excess of vata dosha. It is characterized by dryness, itching, and pain.
Acharana yonivypad – This type of yonivypad is caused by excessive walking. It is characterized by pain, burning sensation, and bleeding.
Aticharana yonivypad – This type of yonivypad is caused by excessive sexual intercourse. It is characterized by pain, burning sensation, and bleeding.
Prakarana yonivypad – This type of yonivypad is caused by excessive masturbation. It is characterized by pain, burning sensation, and bleeding.
Udavartini yonivypad – This type of yonivypad is caused by a prolapsed uterus. It is characterized by a feeling of heaviness in the vagina, pain, and bleeding.
Putraghni yonivypad – This type of yonivypad is caused by a condition in which the fetus is killed in the womb. It is characterized by pain, bleeding, and a foul-smelling discharge.
Antarmukhi yonivypad – This type of yonivypad is caused by a condition in which the vagina is turned inwards. It is characterized by pain, bleeding, and a foul-smelling discharge.
Suchimukhi yonivypad – This type of yonivypad is caused by a condition in which the vagina is turned outwards. It is characterized by pain, bleeding, and a foul-smelling discharge.
Shuskha yonivypad – This type of yonivypad is caused by dryness of the vagina. It is characterized by pain, burning sensation, and itching.
Shandhiyoni yonivypad – This type of yonivypad is caused by a condition in which the vagina is shrunken. It is characterized by pain, burning sensation, and itching.
Mahayoni yonivypad – This type of yonivypad is caused by a condition in which the vagina is enlarged. It is characterized by pain, burning sensation, and itching.

Susruta Samhita

Udavarta yonivypad – This type of yonivypad is caused by a prolapsed uterus. It is characterized by a feeling of heaviness in the vagina, pain, and bleeding.
Bandhya yonivypad – This type of yonivypad is caused by a condition in which the woman is unable to conceive. It is characterized by pain, bleeding, and a foul-smelling discharge.
Vilupta yonivypad – This type of yonivypad is caused by a condition in which the vagina is turned inwards. It is characterized by pain, bleeding, and a foul-smelling discharge.
Parilupita yonivypad – This type of yonivypad is caused by a condition in which the vagina is turned outwards. It is characterized by pain, bleeding, and a foul-smelling discharge.
Vatala yonivypad – This type of yonivypad is caused by excess of vata dosha. It is characterized by dryness, itching, and pain.

Arogya Sangraha

Vaatika yonivypad – This type of yonivypad is caused by excess of vata dosha. It is characterized by dryness, itching, and pain.
Paittika yonivypad – This type of yonivypad is caused by excess of pitta dosha. It is characterized by redness, inflammation, and pain.
Kaphaja yonivypad – This type of yonivypad is caused by excess of kapha dosha. It is characterized by heaviness, coldness, and pain.

इसे भी देखे 

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