Here We have Provide Explanation for correct answer of Pharmacognosy Module 4. Other Module will be available on our telegram Channel. So don’t forget to join our telegram channel. Disclaimer: This answer key is provided as a reference only to help you review your own work and identify areas for improvement. It is not intended to be a substitute for independent […]
Here We have Provide Explanation for correct answer of Pharmacognosy Module 4. Other Module will be available on our telegram Channel. So don’t forget to join our telegram channel.
Disclaimer: This answer key is provided as a reference only to help you review your own work and identify areas for improvement. It is not intended to be a substitute for independent learning or a guarantee of correctness.
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Q 1 Portion to be taken for section cutting for LEAF is
a) Midrib b) Base c) Bark d) Margin
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a) Midrib
Q 2 In case of stemor root, selected portion of drug shiuld have diameter of approx
a) 3 -5mm b) 4 – 8cm c) 5-9cm d) 5-10mm
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d) 5-10mm
Q3. Microtome utilized for
a) Soaking b) Section c) Trimming d) None of the above
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b) Section
Q4. For selection of specimen for pharmacognosy study leaf advised for
a) Mature b) Disease free c) Healthy d) All of the above
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d) All of the above
Q5. Internode are is used for section cutting of _________ part of a plant
a) Leaf b) Root c) Stem d) Fruit
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c) Stem
Q6. Cholral hydrate used for
a) Washing b) Clearing c) Soaking d) None of the above
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d) None of the above
Q7. Long time soaking example
a) Manjishta b) Shatavari c) Aguru d) Ashwagandha
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a) Manjishta
Q8. Specian softing process
a) Soaking b) Drying c) Hammring d) None of the above
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a) Soaking
Q9. Cryostat advance form of
a) Sacking b) Sectioning c) Boiling d) Soaking
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b) Sectioning
Q 10 Processing of remove certain cell contnts called as
a) Clearing b) Soaking c) Drying d) Cleaning
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a) Clearing
Q11. _________ dissolves fixed oils in the processing of specimen
a) Ether b) Cedar wod oil c) Caustic alkali d) HCl
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b) Cedar wod oil
Q12. I_______ will help to remove many common cell contents including chlorophyll, with no marked distortion of tissues
a) NaOH b) Chloral hydrate c) Safranin d) Sudan
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b) Chloral hydrate
Q13. Macerating reagents are used for dissociation is used to concentrate the more resistant elements EXCEPT
a) Stone cells b) Xylem vessels c) Parenchyma d) Fivre
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c) Parenchyma
Q14. ________ is an example of block of pith used for facilitating section cutting of leaf
a) Grape b) Tomato c) Orange d) Potato
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Q15. Ideal fixative agent for tissues is ____________
a) Safranin b) Formalin c) Pholorglucinol d) Water
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b) Formalin
Q16. Microtome sectioniong range
a) 0 to 50 micron b) 100 to 200 micron c) 200 to 300 micron d) None of the above
Check Answer a) 0 to 50 micron
Q17. Reagent used for dehydration is _______
a) Safranin b) Ether c) Formalin d) Alcohol
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d) Alcohol
Q18.Safranin stains cells
a) Oil b) Lignin c) Mucilage d) Crystal
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b) Lignin
Q 19 Mucilage staining agent
a) Fast green b) Sudan III c) Ruthenium red d) Safranin
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c) Ruthenium red
Q20. Canada balsam is used ___________ in step of slide preparation
a) Staining b) Softening c) Mounting and fixing d) Labellilng
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c) Mounting and fixing
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