Here We have Provide Explanation for correct answer of Samkhya Karika Module 5. Other Module will be available on our telegram Channel. So don’t forget to join our telegram channel.
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Q-1 According to Samkhya, the Manifest is constituted of how many attributes? – Humare Telegram Channel par sab milga, join 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A)One (B) Two (C)Three (D)Four
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Samkhya philosophy proposes three attributes (gunas) that constitute the manifest world: Sattva (goodness/balance), Rajas (activity/passion), and Tamas (inertia/darkness).
Q-2 The attributes (gunas), as per Samkhya Karika, are mutually – Humare Telegram Channel par sab milga, join 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A)Cooperative (B)Non-Cooperative (C)Indifferent (D)None Of These
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The gunas are not cooperative. They inherently oppose and influence each other. Sattva promotes clarity, Rajas incites action, and Tamas fosters lethargy. Their interplay creates the dynamism of the manifest world.
Q-3 Which guna, according to Samkhya teachers, alone is buoyant and illuminating? – Humare Telegram Channel par sab milga, join 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A)Rajas (B)Sattva (C)Tamas (D)None Of These
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Sattva is considered the buoyant and illuminating guna. It promotes clarity, peace, and wisdom.
Q-4 The individual allotment of birth, death and the instruments establish. – Humare Telegram Channel par sab milga, join 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A)The Multiplicity of The Spirit (B)The Uniformity of The Spirit (C)Non-Existence of The Spirit (D)None Of These
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(A)The Multiplicity of The Spirit
According to Samkhya, individual experiences like birth, death, and instruments (body and mind) arise due to the multiplicity of the spirit entangled with nature.
Q-5 According to Samkhya, the Spirit is the pure witness. He is Spectator and Non-agent. – Humare Telegram Channel par sab milga, join 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A)Active (B)Inactive (C)Neutral (D)None Of These
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The spirit (Purusha) in Samkhya is a passive witness, unaffected by actions or experiences. It’s the unchanging observer.
Q-6 In the Samkhya Karika, the conjunction Between the Spirit and Nature has been Described as similar to The union between ___And _____Person. – Humare Telegram Channel par sab milga, join 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A)Deaf And Blind (B)Dear And Lame (C)Blind And Dumb (D)Lame And Blind
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(D)Lame And Blind
The Samkhya Karika compares the spirit-nature connection to a lame and blind person. The spirit (lame) can’t experience the world, and nature (blind) lacks awareness. Together, they create a functioning whole.
Q-7 Virtue, knowledge, dispassion and power are The manifestations of Which attribute? – Humare Telegram Channel par sab milga, join 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A)Rajas (B)Sattva (C)Tamas (D)None Of These
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Virtue, knowledge, dispassion, and power are considered manifestations of the Sattva guna, which promotes positivity and clarity.
Q-8 The Speech, the Hand, the Feet, the excretory organ and the Organ of generation are Called – Humare Telegram Channel par sab milga, join 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A) The Organs Or Action (B)The Organs Of Cognition (C)Both The Sensory And Motor Organs (D)None Of These
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(A)The Organs Of Action
Speech, hands, feet, etc., are the organs of action (Karmendriyas) used to interact with the world.
Q-9 The Mind possesses the nature of – Humare Telegram Channel par sab milga, join 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A) The Sensory Organ (B) The Motor Organ (C)Both The Sensory And Motor Organs (D)Neither The Sensory Nor The Motor Organs
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(D)Neither The Sensory Nor The Motor Organs
The mind is internal and isn’t categorized as a sensory or motor organ. It processes information from both senses and actions.
Q-10 Locomotion’ is the function of which Particular organ? – Humare Telegram Channel par sab milga, join 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A)Speech (B)Hand (C) Organ Of Generation (D)The Feet
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(D)The Feet
Locomotion is the primary function of the feet, which are organs of action.
Q-11 In the Samkhya Karika, how many types of Tanmatras are Described? – Humare Telegram Channel par sab milga, join 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A)Four (B)Five (C)Six (D)Seven
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Samkhya philosophy describes five Tanmatras, subtle essences that arise from the gunas and precede the gross elements.
Q-12 According to Iswarakrishna, which Type of body is Perishable? – Humare Telegram Channel par sab milga, join 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A)Bodies Born Of Parents (B)Subtle Bodies (C)Both The Subtle Bodies And Bodies Born Of The Parents (D)None Of These
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(A)Bodies Born Of Parents
The gross physical body born of parents is considered perishable in Samkhya, while the subtle body is subtler and persists through transformations.
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