Feeling drained for NCISM Elective? Don’t let the uncertainty linger! Join our exclusive community on Telegram and WhatsApp (Ayurveda Sidhi) and access the most accurate answer keys for your NCISM Elective Course Exam, prepared by experts! Here we share Epidemiology Module 4. Here We have Provide1 Explanation for correct answer of Epidemiology Module 4., Other Module will be […]
Feeling drained for NCISM Elective? Don’t let the uncertainty linger! Join our exclusive community on Telegram and WhatsApp (Ayurveda Sidhi) and access the most accurate answer keys for your NCISM Elective Course Exam, prepared by experts! Here we share Epidemiology Module 4.
Here We have Provide1 Explanation for correct answer of Epidemiology Module 4., Other Module will be available on our telegram Channel. So don’t forget to join our telegram channel.
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Q-1 Period Between possible time of detection and possible time of diagnosis is:
(A)Lead Time (B)Screening Time (C)Generation Time (D)Serial Interval
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Q-1: Lead Time
Lead time is the period between the time a disease first begins and when a screening test can detect it.
Q-2 Screening test has following excepts:
(A)Done On Apparently Healthy Persons (B)It is Less Accurate (C)Test Results are Arbitray and Final (D)Used As Basis of Treatment
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Done On Apparently Healthy Persons
Screening tests are performed on individuals who seem healthy but may have an increased risk of developing a particular disease.
Q-3 Screening of disease is whichi type of prevention?
(A)Primordial (B)Primary (C)Secondary (D)Tertiary
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Secondary prevention aims to detect a disease early, before symptoms appear, to facilitate treatment and improve outcomes. Screening falls under this category.
Q-4 Which among following is not the aim of screening
(A)Reduce Mortality (B)Reduce the Incidence (C)Reduce The Severity (D)Treating The Disease
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Treating The Disease
Screening identifies individuals who might have a disease, but it doesn’t provide treatment. Treatment decisions come after confirmatory tests.
Q-5 Blood screening is not done for:
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EBV (Epstein-Barr Virus)
Blood tests typically screen for HIV, HBV (Hepatitis B virus), and HCV (Hepatitis C virus). EBV screening isn’t routinely done.
Q-6 Active search for disease healthy individual is called as
Validity refers to whether a test accurately measures what it’s intended to. Reliability focuses on how consistently the test produces the same results.
Q-8 Positive predictive value is a function of sensitivity, specificity and….
Positive predictive value (PPV) considers the probability of having the disease given a positive test result. It depends on both test characteristics (sensitivity & specificity) and disease prevalence.
Q-9 If the pervalence of a disease in a population increases, the predictive value of a positive tests:
With a higher disease prevalence, there’s a greater chance of a positive test being a false positive. So, the PPV decreases.
Q-10 The diagnostic power of a test is reflected by:
(A)Sensitivity (B)Specificity (C)Predictive Value (D)Population Attributable Risk
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Sensitivity and Specificity
Sensitivity reflects the test’s ability to identify true positives (correctly identifying those with the disease). Specificity indicates its ability to identify true negatives (correctly identifying those without the disease).
Q-11 For the calculation of positive predictive value of a screening test, the denominator is comprised of:
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The denominator for PPV calculation includes all those who tested positive, regardless of their actual disease status (true positives + false positives).
Q-12 Validity includes:
(A)Sensitivity and Specificity (B)Precision (C)Acceptability (D)None
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(A) Sensitivity and Specificity
Q-13 Most important factor for a test to be a good screening test is:
(A)Specificity (B)Sensitivity (C)Reliablity (D)Predictive value
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A good screening test has high specificity to minimize false positives, reducing unnecessary anxiety and further testing for healthy individuals.
Q-14 Specificity of a screening test refers to its ability to detect