MAHARASA: Unveiling the Mystique of Maharasa: A Precious Ayurvedic Miniral medicine

In the realm of Ayurveda, there exists a treasure trove of natural elements, each carrying its unique properties and therapeutic […]

In the realm of Ayurveda, there exists a treasure trove of natural elements, each carrying its unique properties and therapeutic potential.

चपलो रसकश्चेति ज्ञात्वऽष्टौ संग्रहेद्रसान् ॥ (र.र.स 2/1)

There is ae 8 Maharas.


  1. अभ्रक
  2. वैक्रान्त
  3. माक्षीक
  4. विमल
  5. अद्रिज
  6. सस्यक
  7. चपल
  8. रसक
  9. अभ्रक

1. अभ्रक: Exploring Abhrak

In the realm of Ayurveda, there exists a treasure trove of natural elements, each carrying its unique properties and therapeutic potential. Among these, Abhrak stands out as a precious mineral, celebrated for its versatility and healing prowess. Let’s delve into the depths of this mystical substance, exploring its synonyms, properties, types, preparation methods, and medicinal applications.

Synonyms and Identification

Known by various names such as गगनं (gaganam), खं (khan), व्योम (vyom), and वज्रं (vajram), Abhrak is recognized for its association with the celestial realm. Its identity extends to synonyms like आकाश (akash) and अम्बर (ambar), reflecting its ethereal essence.

Chemical Composition

At its core, Abhrak comprises the chemical formula H2KAl3(SiO4)3, imbuing it with a unique blend of elements that contribute to its therapeutic efficacy.

Accepted Properties

Abhrak boasts a spectrum of desirable properties, making it a sought-after ingredient in Ayurvedic formulations. It is revered for its:

  • स्निग्धता (Snigdhata): Lubricating properties that promote smoothness and suppleness.
  • पृथुदलता (Prithudalta): Substantial density, imparting stability and strength.
  • सुखनिर्मोचन (Sukhanirmochan): Efficacy in alleviating discomfort and promoting relaxation.
  • अग्नि स्थिरत्व (Agni Sthiratva): Ability to stabilize digestive fire, aiding in digestion and assimilation.

Types and Varieties

Abhrak manifests in various types, each with its unique characteristics and therapeutic applications:

  • पिनाक (Pinak)
  • नाग (Nag)
  • मण्डूक (Manduk)
  • वज्र (Vajra)

Processing and Purification

To unleash its full potential, Abhrak undergoes a meticulous purification process known as Shodhana. This involves treating it with specific substances like त्रिफला क्वाथ (triphala kwath), काञ्जि (kanji), गोमूत्र (gomutra), and गोदुग्ध (godugdha), followed by multiple cycles of vaporization (निर्वापन) to rid it of impurities.

Preparation for Medicinal Use

In the final stage of preparation, known as Marana, Abhrak is combined with other medicinal substances like धान्याभ्रक (dhanyabhrak) and processed with potent liquids such as कासमर्द स्वरस (kasamard swaras). This concoction is then encapsulated within protective layers (पुट) using methods like गजपुट (gajaput), ensuring its stability and potency.

Dosage and Indications

When administered, Abhrak is prescribed in doses of 2-3 gunja, depending on the individual’s constitution and ailment. Its therapeutic applications span a wide range of conditions, including:

  • पाण्डु (Pandu): Anemia
  • ग्रहणी (Grahani): Irritable bowel syndrome
  • आमशूल (Amashul): Abdominal colic
  • कोष्ठ रोग (Koshtrog): Gastrointestinal disorders

Formulations and Combinations

Abhrak finds its way into numerous Ayurvedic formulations, enriching them with its potent properties. Some notable formulations include:

  • चन्द्रकला रस (Chandrakala Ras)
  • आरोग्यवर्धिनि वटी (Arogyavardhini Vati)
  • पञ्चामृत पर्पटी (Panchamrit Parpati)
  • बृहत्त्वातचिन्तामणि रस (Brihattrvat Chintamani Ras)

In conclusion, Abhrak stands as a testament to the profound wisdom of Ayurveda, offering a holistic approach to health and well-being. Its integration into medicinal formulations underscores its timeless significance and enduring relevance in the modern world, where the pursuit of natural remedies continues to thrive.

2. वैक्रान्त: Exploring Vajrakanta (Calcium Fluoride in Ayurveda)

In the vast realm of Ayurveda, where the natural world is intricately woven into medicinal practices, there exists a substance known as Vajrakanta. Also referred to by various synonyms such as विक्रान्तं, कुवज्रं, जीर्णवज्रकम्, and चूर्णवज्रञ्च, Vajrakanta holds a significant place in Ayurvedic pharmacology owing to its unique properties and therapeutic potential.

Understanding Vajrakanta:

Name: Calcium Fluoride
Chemical formula: CaF2

Acceptable Properties:

Vajrakanta is recognized for its diverse acceptable properties which include:

  • अष्ट फलक (Eight facets)
  • अष्ट अस्र (Eight sides)
  • षट्कोण (Hexagonal shape)
  • मसृणे (Smooth texture)
  • निर्मल (Pure)


Vajrakanta exists in various hues, each with its distinct characteristics:

  • श्वेत (White)
  • रक्त (Red)
  • पीत (Yellow)
  • नील (Blue)
  • पारावतप्रभा (Translucent)
  • चितकबर (Speckled)

Processing in Ayurveda:

Shodhana: The purification process of Vajrakanta involves the use of specific substances and methods:

  • Drugs: कुलत्थ क्वाथ (Decoction of horse gram)
  • Process: स्वेदन (Fumigation, for 3 hours)

Marana: The calcination process of Vajrakanta is crucial and involves the following:

  • Drugs: गन्धक (Sulfur)
  • Bhavana Dravya: निम्बु स्वरस (Lemon juice)
  • Puta: गजपुट (Elephant ear leaves, 8 times)

Dose and Indications:

Vajrakanta is administered in small doses ranging from 5-10mg. Its therapeutic applications include:

  • अर्श (Hemorrhoids)
  • कुष्ठ (Skin disorders)
  • अर्बुद (Tumors)
  • जलोदर (Ascites)
  • कुष्ठ (Leprosy)


In Ayurvedic formulations, Vajrakanta finds its place in various medicinal compounds, including:

  • सुचिकाभ्रण रस (Rasayana for skin diseases)
  • नीलकान्त रस (Rasayana with blue vitriol)
  • रत्नप्रभा वटी (Tablet with gem powders)
  • रत्नगिरि रस (Rasayana with precious stones)


Vajrakanta, or Calcium Fluoride, embodies the essence of Ayurvedic pharmacology with its multifaceted properties and therapeutic versatility. From purification to formulation, each step in its processing reflects the intricate knowledge passed down through generations in Ayurvedic texts. As modern medicine explores new frontiers, the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda continues to illuminate the path towards holistic healing.

3. माक्षीक: Exploring Maksika (Copper Pyrite in Ayurveda)

In the treasure trove of Ayurvedic wisdom, Maksika, also known by its synonyms रौप्य, तारजं, and ताप्य, stands as a testament to the intricate understanding of natural substances and their therapeutic properties. Let us delve into the depths of this remarkable mineral and uncover its significance in Ayurveda.

Understanding Maksika:

Name: Copper Pyrite or Chalcopyrite
Chemical formula: CuFeS2

Acceptable Properties:

Maksika possesses several acceptable properties, making it valuable in Ayurvedic pharmacology:

  • निष्कोण (Angular)
  • गुरू (Heavy)
  • स्निग्ध (Unctuous)
  • सुवर्ण वर्ण (Golden hue)


Maksika manifests in various forms, each with distinct characteristics:

  • हेम माक्षीक (Golden Maksika)
  • रौप्य माक्षीक (Silver Maksika)
  • काम्स्य माक्षीक (Copper Maksika)

Processing in Ayurveda:

Shodhana: The purification process of Maksika involves the use of specific substances and methods:

  • Drugs: मतुलुन्गाम्बु (Nutmeg), आम्ल द्रव (Acidic liquids), तक्र (Buttermilk), or गोमूत्र (Cow urine)
  • Process: स्वेदन (Fumigation) in ढोला यन्त्र (Vessel), for 3 hours

Marana: The calcination process of Maksika involves the following:

  • Drugs: गन्धक (Sulfur), एरण्ड तैल (Castor oil), and गोघृत (Ghee)
  • Bhavana Dravya: निम्बु स्वरस (Lemon juice)
  • Puta: गजपुट (Elephant ear leaves, 10 times)

Dose and Indications:

Maksika is administered in moderate doses ranging from 60-120mg. Its therapeutic applications include:

  • आम्लपित्त (Hyperacidity)
  • रक्तातिसार (Bleeding disorders)
  • वाजीकरण (Aphrodisiac)
  • उदर (Stomach ailments)


Maksika finds its place in various Ayurvedic formulations, contributing to their potency and efficacy, including:

  • त्रिलोक्यचिन्तामणि रस (Rasayana for rejuvenation)
  • जयमङ्गल रस (Rasayana for auspiciousness)
  • नवग्रह रस (Rasayana for the nine planets)
  • स्वर्ण माक्षिक भस्म (Bhasma of purified Maksika)


Maksika, or Copper Pyrite, exemplifies the profound knowledge embedded in Ayurveda regarding the therapeutic potential of natural minerals. From purification to formulation, each step in its processing reflects the meticulous approach of Ayurvedic practitioners towards holistic healing. As we continue to explore the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, Maksika stands as a shining example of nature’s bounty and its profound impact on human well-being.

4. विमल: Exploring Vimal (Iron Pyrite in Ayurveda)

In the treasure trove of Ayurveda, where ancient wisdom meets modern healing, there exists a substance known as Vimal. Often referred to by its synonyms रौप्य विमल, सुवर्ण विमल, and काम्स्य विमल, Vimal holds a significant place in Ayurvedic pharmacology due to its unique properties and therapeutic potential.

Understanding Vimal:

Name: Iron Pyrite
Chemical formula: Fe2S3

Acceptable Properties:

Vimal possesses a variety of acceptable properties essential for its therapeutic use, including:

  • वर्तुल (Circular)
  • कोण संयुक्तः (Angular)
  • फलकान्वित (Faceted)
  • स्निग्ध (Smooth)
  • धारयुक्त (Heavy)


Vimal manifests in various forms, each exhibiting unique characteristics:

  • सुवर्ण विमल (Golden)
  • रौप्य विमल (Silver)
  • काम्स्य विमल (Copper)

Processing in Ayurveda:

Shodhana: The purification process of Vimal involves specific substances and methods:

  • Drug: वसा (Fat) or जम्बीर (Lemon), निम्बु स्वरस (Lemon juice)
  • Process: स्वेदन (Fumigation) in ढोला यन्त्र (Special apparatus, for 3 hours)

Marana: The calcination process of Vimal is a crucial step and involves the following:

  • Drugs: गन्धक (Sulfur)
  • Bhavana Dravya: निम्बु स्वरस (Lemon juice)
  • Puta: गजपुट (Elephant ear leaves, 10 times)

Dose and Indications:

Vimal is administered in doses ranging from 60-120mg, with therapeutic indications including:

  • पाण्डु (Anemia)
  • ग्रहणी (Digestive disorders)
  • क्षय (Consumption)
  • नसक्य (Nasal disorders)


Vimal finds its place in various Ayurvedic formulations, including:

  • क्षयकेसरि रस (Rasayana for consumption)
  • नवरत्नराजमृगाङ्क रस (Rasayana with nine gems)
  • रसेन्द्र चुडामणि रस (Rasayana with mercury and gems)
  • पर्पटी प्रलेप (Topical application paste)


In the timeless tradition of Ayurveda, Vimal stands as a testament to the intricate knowledge of natural substances and their therapeutic potential. As modern science continues to explore the healing properties of ancient remedies, the significance of substances like Vimal persists, bridging the gap between tradition and innovation in the pursuit of holistic well-being.

5. अद्रिज: Exploring Shilajeet (Black Bitumen in Ayurveda)

Black Bitumen, also known as अद्रिज, शिलाजतु, शैलेय, or शैलधतुजम्, is a rare and valuable substance in Ayurvedic medicine. Its acceptable properties include ससत्व and स्निग्ध गुरु गोमूत्र गन्धि, and it is available in two distinct varieties – गोमूत्र गन्धी and कर्पूर गन्धी.

In order to purify Black Bitumen, it must undergo a Shodhana, which involves heating and separation using either त्रिफला क्वाथ or गोमूत्र.

While classical texts do not mention Marana for Black Bitumen, it is commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat a variety of conditions, including कुष्ठ, प्रमेह, मूत्रकृच्छ, and शोथ. The recommended dose for Black Bitumen is between 140-260 mg.

Black Bitumen can be found in several formulations such as आरोग्यवर्धिनि वटी, चन्द्रप्रभा वटी, त्रिफला मोदक, and शिलजत्वदी लोह. Its unique properties and variety make Black Bitumen an essential

6. सस्यक: Exploring Sasyak (Blue vitriol in Ayurveda)

Blue vitriol, also known as सस्यक, तुत्थ, मयूरक, or शिखिग्रीव, is a well-known substance in Ayurvedic medicine with a variety of applications. Its chemical formula is CuSO4, and it is known for its acceptable properties of गुरू, स्निग्ध, and a lustre similar to that of a peacock’s neck.

There are two main varieties of Blue vitriol – सस्यक and तुत्थ. To purify Blue vitriol, it undergoes a Shodhana process using स्नेह and रक्त वर्ग. This purification process, known as भावन, is repeated seven times.

In terms of Marana, Blue vitriol is combined with गन्धक and टण्कण. Additionally, भवना with लकुच रस is performed.

The recommended dosage for Blue vitriol is between 15-30mg. It is commonly used to treat conditions such as कण्डु, कृमि, विश, and अर्श.

There are several formulations that incorporate Blue vitriol, including जात्यादि घृत, जात्यादि तैल, रसेन्द्र गुटिका, and कनकसुन्दर रस. These formulations showcase the versatility of Blue vitriol in Ayurvedic medicine.

Blue vitriol’s unique properties and its ability to address various health issues make it an important component in Ayurvedic treatments. Its rich history and effectiveness continue to make it a popular choice in traditional medicine.

7. चपल: Exploring Chapal (Bismuth in Ayurveda)

Bismuth, also known as चपल in Ayurvedic medicine, is a rare and valuable substance with a variety of potential therapeutic applications. Its chemical formula is Bi, and it is appreciated for its acceptable properties of स्निग्ध, गुरू, and श्वेत.

In terms of variety, Bismuth is available in four distinct forms – गौर, श्वेत, अरूण, and कृष्ण. To purify Bismuth, it undergoes a Shodhana process using निम्बु स्वरस. This purification process, known as भावन, is repeated seven times.

Classical texts do not mention anything about Marana or the recommended dosage and indications for Bismuth. However, it is used in various Ayurvedic formulations. Some popular formulations that contain bismuth include जात्यादि तैल and कनकसुन्दर रस.

While the therapeutic benefits of Bismuth are not entirely known, it is a valuable substance in Ayurvedic medicine due to its unique properties and versatility. Further research may help unlock the full potential of this rare element.

8. रसक: Exploring Rasak (Calamine in Ayurveda)

Calamine, also known as रसक in Ayurvedic medicine, is a well-known substance with a range of uses and benefits. It is also referred to as खर्पर, यशदकारण, or क्षितिकिट्ट्. The chemical formula of Calamine is Fe2O4Zn.

Calamine is admired for its desirable properties, including its पीत color, resembling the Earth, and its ability to retain its weight even during a fire test. It is visually appealing and holds great significance in Ayurveda.

There are two main varieties of Calamine – दर्दुर and कारवेल्लक. To purify Calamine, it undergoes a Shodhana process using बीजपूरक स्वरस. This purification process, known as ढालन, is repeated seven times.

In terms of Marana, pure Calamine is combined with heat and salt. It is then rubbed with a पलाश stick. This process enhances its properties and makes it even more effective.

The recommended dosage of Calamine is between 60-240 mg. It is commonly used to treat various conditions such as प्रमेह (diabetes), नेत्र रोग (eye diseases), मूत्रकृच्छ्र (dysuria), and जीर्णज्वर (chronic fever).

Calamine is a versatile ingredient in Ayurvedic formulations. Some popular formulations that contain Calamine include स्वर्णमालिनि वसन्त रस, लक्ष्मी विलास रस, कस्तुरि भैरवरस, and लघुमालिनि वसन्त रस. These formulations showcase the wide range of uses and benefits of Calamine in Ayurvedic medicine.

Calamine’s unique properties, diverse applications, and its ability to address various health conditions make it an important component in Ayurvedic treatments. Its rich history and effectiveness continue to make it a valuable substance in traditional medicine.

रसक: आयुर्वेदिक गुण, फायदे और उपयोग

रसक (Calamine) एक खनिज पदार्थ है, जो आयुर्वेद में औषधीय गुणों के लिए जाना जाता है। यह पीले रंग का होता है और मिट्टी जैसा दिखता है। आग में जलाने पर इसका वजन कम नहीं होता है। रसक दो प्रकार का होता है:

  • दर्दुर
  • कारवेल्लक

रसक के गुण:

  • रस: मधुर, तिक्त
  • गुण: गुरु, शीतल
  • वीर्य: शीतल
  • विपाक: मधुर

रसक के फायदे:

  • मधुमेह: रसक रक्त शर्करा के स्तर को नियंत्रित करने में मदद करता है।
  • नेत्र रोग: रसक नेत्र रोगों जैसे कि मोतियाबिंद, आंखों में जलन, और आंखों से पानी आना आदि के लिए फायदेमंद है।
  • मूत्रकृच्छ्र: रसक मूत्रकृच्छ्र (पेशाब में जलन) और मूत्रावरोध (पेशाब न आना) को दूर करने में मदद करता है।
  • जीर्ण ज्वर: रसक जीर्ण ज्वर (पुरानी बुखार) को कम करने में मदद करता है।

रसक का उपयोग:

रसक का उपयोग विभिन्न प्रकार की औषधियों में किया जाता है, जिनमें शामिल हैं:

  • स्वर्णमालिनि वसन्त रस
  • लक्ष्मी विलास रस
  • कस्तुरि भैरवरस
  • लघुमालिनि वसन्त रस

रसक की मात्रा:

रसक की मात्रा 60-240 मिलीग्राम प्रति दिन है।

रसक का सेवन करने से पहले आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सक से सलाह लेना जरूरी है।

अन्य जानकारी:

  • रसक को शुद्ध करने के लिए बीजपूरक स्वरस का उपयोग किया जाता है।
  • रसक को शुद्ध करने के बाद, इसे पलाश की लकड़ी से रगड़कर महीन किया जाता है।

यह जानकारी केवल सामान्य जानकारी के लिए है। यह किसी भी तरह से चिकित्सा सलाह का विकल्प नहीं है।

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Special Thanks to Dr. Ayesha Bardur

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