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Q-1 Average intake of salt should be less than – Telegram Channel par sab milega 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A)7gm (B)5gm (C)3gm (D)None of the above
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(C) 5gm
Q-2 The intimal lesions are called? – Telegram Channel par sab milega 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A)Fatty Plaques (B)Artheromatous Plaques (C)Artheroma (D)All the above
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(D) All the above
Q-3 What are the effects of ciggaratte smoking in CVS? – Telegram Channel par sab milega 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A)Increases Thrombogenesis (B)Decreases HDL (C)Cause Endothelial Dysfunction (D)All of the Above
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(D) All of the Above
Q-4 Endothelial function is mainly maintained by the release of – Telegram Channel par sab milega 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A)Nitric Oxide (B)Sulphur Di Oxide (C)Magnesium Oxide (D)Potassium Oxide
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(A) Nitric Oxide
Q-5 Waist circumference more than __ is indicative of health risk for women? – Telegram Channel par sab milega 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A)35 or >35 Inches (B)25 Inches (C)>40 Inches (D)None of the above
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(A) 35 or >35 Inches
Q-6 How does physical activity benefit cardiovascular system? – Telegram Channel par sab milega 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A)Decreased Risk of Developing HTN (B)Decreases Insulin (C)Decreased Risk of Dyslipidemia (D)All the above
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(D) All the above
Q-7 Where does the formation of plaque take place? In which layer of the blood vessel, the plaque is suspectible to form? – Telegram Channel par sab milega 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A)Tunica Media (B)Tunica Intima (C)Tunica Externa (D)None of the above
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(B) Tunica Intima
Q-8 The growing atheroma does not encroach upon the arterial lumen untill the plagque exceeds – Telegram Channel par sab milega 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A)35 per (B)40 per (C)50 per (D)65 per
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(C) 50 per
Q-9 How does alcohol affect blood pressure – Telegram Channel par sab milega 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A)Increases Systolic BP More (B)Increases Diastolic BP More (C)Both (D)None of the above
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(A) Increases Systolic BP More
Q-10 Estrogen increases which type fat? – Telegram Channel par sab milega 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A)Visceral (B)Subcutaneous (C)Both (D)None of the above
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(B) Subcutaneous
Q-11 Measurement of obesity are – Telegram Channel par sab milega 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A)BMI (B)Waist Hip Ratio (C)Skin Fold Thickness (D)All the above
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(D) All the above
Q-12 Does obesity have a relation with BP – Telegram Channel par sab milega 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A)True (B)Flase (C) (D)
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(A) True
Q-13 Supplements lower the BP of mild and Moderate Hypertensives? – Telegram Channel par sab milega 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi
(A)Magnesium (B)Sodium (C)Potassium (D)None of the above
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(C) Potassium
Q-14 Genetic cause of obesity – Telegram Channel par sab milega 👉 @ayurveda_sidhi