NCISM Elective: Basic of Physiotherapy Module 1 Answer key 2023

Physiology Module 1 Answer key for BAMS First Profession Students. This is for Education purpose only. Q-1 Physical Therapy is the treatment done with the help of Correct Answer- (D)Physical Agents Q-2 Utilization of the existing capabilities of Handicapped individual is known as Correct Answer- (C)Rehabilitation Q-3 TENS, IFT, SWD, US are the forms of […]

Physiology Module 1 Answer key for BAMS First Profession Students.

This is for Education purpose only.

Q-1 Physical Therapy is the treatment done with the help of

  • (A)Herbal Medicines
  • (B)Drugs
  • (C)Surgery
  • (D)Physical Agents

Correct Answer- (D)Physical Agents

Q-2 Utilization of the existing capabilities of Handicapped individual is known as

  • (A)Surgery
  • (B)Laproscopy
  • (C)Rehabilitation
  • (D)Endoscopy

Correct Answer- (C)Rehabilitation

Q-3 TENS, IFT, SWD, US are the forms of —- Intervention

  • (A)Hydrotherapy
  • (B)Electrotherapy
  • (CIExercise Therapy
  • (DIAyurveda

Correct Answer- (B)Electrotherapy

Q-4 mobilization is a part of intervention

  • (A)Ayurveda
  • (B)Naturopathy
  • (C)Electrotherapy
  • (DIManual Therapy

Correct Answer- (B)Naturopathy

Q-5 the part which provides mobility and stability in the human body is

  • (A)Blood
  • (B)Muscles
  • (C)Liver
  • (D)Joint

Correct Answer- (B)Muscles

Q-6 the structure that connects one bone to another bone is called

  • (A)Synovial Fluids
  • (B)Ligaments
  • (C)Bones
  • (D)Muscles

Correct Answer- (B)Ligaments

Q-7 subtendinous, subcutaneous, submuscular are different types of

  • (A)Ligaments
  • (B)Bursa
  • (C)Muscles
  • (D)Bones

Correct Answer- (B)Bursa

Q-8 the part which provides smooth, resilient, low friction for the articulating bones is called as

  • (A)Cartilage
  • (B)Muscles
  • (C) Joints
  • (D)Ligaments

Correct Answer- (A)Cartilage

Q-9 the thin film that keeps the joints lubricated and reduces friction is called

  • (A)Ligaments
  • (B)Bursa
  • (C)Synovial Fluid
  • (D)Cartilage

Correct Answer- (C)Synovial Fluid

Q-10 fibrous, synovial, cartilagenous are different types of

  • (A)Muscles
  • (B)Bursa
  • (C)Cartilage
  • (D)Joints

Correct Answer- (D)Join

Q-11 knee caps, lumbar belts are types of

  • (A)Walking Aids
  • (B)Bandages
  • (C)Prosthesis
  • (D)Orthosis

Correct Answer- (D)Orthosis

Q-12 active movements are performed by

  • (A)Patient Himself
  • (B)The Doctor
  • (C) The Attender
  • (D)By The Help Of Bands

Correct Answer- (A)Patient Himself

Q-13 range of motion can be assessed by a —–

  • (A)Spygmomanometer
  • (B)Knee Hammer
  • (C)Goniometer
  • (D)Inch Tape

Correct Answer- (C)Goniometer

Q-14 step length, stride length cadence are components of examination

  • (A)Balance Examination
  • (B)Coordination Examination
  • (C)Galt Examination
  • (D)Posture Examination

Correct Answer- (C)Galt Examination

Q-15 X-Ray, MRI, CT Scan are different types of

  • (A)Blood Investigations
  • (B)Gait Assessment
  • (C)Posture Assessment
  • (D)Radiological Investigation

Correct Answer- (D)Radiological Investigation

Q-16 the branch of science which deals with the study of the forces and its effect is called as

  • (A)Manual Therapy
  • (B)Mechanics
  • (C)Biomechanics
  • (D)Mobilization

Correct Answer- (B)Mechanics

Q-17 static and dynamics are types of

  • (A)Gait Examination
  • (B)Biomechanics
  • (C)Posture
  • (D)Pain

Correct Answer- (BIBiomechanics

Q-18 sagital, frontal, transverse are different types of

  • (A)Planes
  • (B)Axis
  • (C)Motion
  • (D)Gait

Correct Answer- (B)Planes

Q-19 olfactory, optic, occulomotor are different types of

  • (A)Cranial Nerves
  • (B)Balance Exs
  • (C)Coordination Exs
  • (D)Sensory Exs

Correct Answer- (A)Cranial Nerves

Q-20 barthel Index is used for assessment of

  • (A)Muscles
  • (B) Joints
  • (C)Functions
  • (D)Gait

Correct Answer- (A)Muscles

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