Walk-in Interview on 30.01.2023 for Appointment of Professors, Associate Professors & Assistant Professors (Purely on Contractual Basis) for various Interdisciplinary Department)
A walk-in interview will be conducted for recruiting Professors, Assistant Professors, purely on a contractual basis for various Interdisciplinary Departments of this Institute. The details of these posts, qualifications, remuneration and other details are given below. The date, time, and venue of this walk-in interview.
Date – 30.01.2023 (Monday)
Reporting time and Place – 10-12 noon appear in the interview. Candidates reporting 11am will not be allowed to appear in the interview.
Venue – Committee Hall, Administrative Block, NIA.
Interested eligible candidates may appear in this interview after reporting and submitting a duly filled-in form (given at the end of this advertisement) along with self-attested photocopies of required documents. Candidates are also required to bring their original documents for verification.
Salary:- Profesor (Rs1 lakh) Associate Professor (Rs75,000) Assistant professor (Rs45,000)
Department:-Ayurveda Manuscriptology
Department:-Marmalogy and Sports Medicine
Department:-Ayurveda Diet and Nutrition (Poshanahara)
For Full Detail Download the official notification by NIA Jaipur. The download link is given below.
Important Information:-
1. The Monthly consolidated Remuneration will not carry any kind of allowance.
2. This Contractual Appointment will be for 1 year and can be extended on mutual consent and subject to satisfactory performance or till regularly selected candidates are available, whichever is earlier.
3. Vice Chancellor, NIA reserves the right to reduce or increase the number of Posts and to cancel or modify this Notification without any intimation or assigning any reason thereof.
4. The selected candidates will have to join immediately after the issue of appointment orders.
5. The persons taken on contractual basis will have no right for any permanent/temporary employment in NIA.
6. No TA or DA will be paid for attending the Interview or for joining the contractual appointment.
1. Working Conditions–
The engagement is on full time basis. Time and Holiday Schedule of NIA will be applicable.
The Institute reserves the right to terminate the services of the appointee before the stipulated period without assigning any reason there of. The appointee can resign from the assignment with one-month prior written notice.
All relevant Rules and Regulations of NIA shall be applicable and the appointee will have to given undertaking to this effect.
The appointee is expected to work sincerely to achieve the deliverable sand maintain good conduct at the workplace.
The appointee shall maintain confidentially of the data/ any other information that will be collected as part of this programmed. He/she shall not utilize/publish/disclose any such data/information to any third party without consent Of NIA. He/she shall be required to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement during Agreement during the time of appointment.
2. Leave-
The appointee will been titled 1.25 Leave per month on pro rata basis. Unavailed leaves will be carried forward to next month, but the leaves will not be carried forward to the next calendar year not could been cashed.
Normally more than 3 continuous leaves will not be permitted.
3. Allowances–
The appointee will not be paid any Transport/ Daily/Medical/Travelling/Telephone/any other allowance.
Official Notification Download Link
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