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BAMS students who want to get the solutions for the NCISM elective PHYSIOLOGY ASSIGNMENT 1 questions then you are at the right place here you will get correct answers for PHYSIOLOGY ASSIGNMENT 1. You can join our WhatsApp group or telegram channel for other subject Assignments answers.

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NCISM Electives: These are online courses that B.A.M.S./ B.U.M.S/ B.S.M.S/ B.S.R.M.S students can take to learn more about different subjects that are connected to their main subjects. The electives help the students to expand and deepen their knowledge of their fields.

Each elective is forty-five hours long and has five parts. Each part has nine hours of activities.

The activities are five hours of learning from videos, slides, audio, images, and other materials, two hours of doing tasks or homework, one hour of talking to experts or thinking about what they learned, and one hour of taking a test. There are five tests for each elective.

Note: The electives are extra hours of study that are not included in the regular teaching hours of B.A.M.S. according to the rules.


 1- who gave the germ theory of disease

Correct Answer:- Louis Pasteur

2- which of the following is not one among the epidemiological triad

Correct Answer:- Genetic

3- WHO gave definition of Health in which year

Correct Answer:- 1948

4- Health For All was made main social target by WHO in which year

Correct Answer:- 1977

5- which of the following is not the concept of health

Correct Answer:- social

6- which of the following is not dimention of health

Correct Answer:- financial

7- which of the following is subjective component of well being

Correct Answer :- quality of life

8- sickness is defined as

Correct Answer:- state of social dysfunction

9- ilness is defined as

Correct Answer:- subjective state

10- demonic theory of disease think as cause of disease

Correct Answer:- evil spirtis

11- communicable diseases are transmitted from

Correct Answer:- source to host

12- which of the following is not a reservoir

Correct Answer :- space

13- which of the following is not mode of direct infection

Correct Answer:- fomits

14- successful prevention of disease depends on

Correct Answer:- knowledge of causation

15- which of the following is not the part of stages of the disease

Correct Answer:- post disease

16- which of the following is not the means of health promotion 

Correct Answer:- immunization

17- disability is defined as

Correct Answer:- restriction

18- which of the following is not the means of rehabilitation

Correct Answer:- financial

19- what is the correct step in prevention

Correct Answer :- control, elimination &eradication

20- which of the following is not a type of surveillance

Correct Answer:- submissive

21- objectives of surveillance 

Correct Answer:- to provide data

22- which of the following is not part of 4 c//s

Correct Answer:- culture

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1 year ago

Sir plz post answer of medicinal plantation topic

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