[PDF]BAMS 1st year New NCISM Syllabus and Study Tips to Ace Your First Year of BAMS | BAMS FIRST PROF. SYLLABUS

Notes Details: Course: BAMS | Profession: 1st year | Subject : Tips to Ace Your First Year of BAMS Language: Hindi, English.

Download BAMS FIRST PROFESSION New syllabus by NCISM (NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR INDIAN SYSTEM OF MEDICINE). After the change in the duration of BAMS 1st year from 12 months to 18 months, NCISM has come with a new syllabus for 1st-year students. Here you can download the new syllabus for BAMS 1st year.

BAMS 1st year new syllabus 2022


There are 5 Subjects in BAMS 1st prof. – 


Subject Download Link
Rachna Sharir(Anatomy) Download
Kriya Sharir(Physiology) Download
Sanskrit & History of Ayurveda Download
Samhita Adhyayan-1 Download
Padartha Vigyan Download

How to Ace Your First Year of BAMS: 5 Study Tips from a Senior Student

Hello and welcome to BAMS, the blog where I share my insights and tips on studying Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery. If you are a new student or aspiring to join this course, you might have some questions and doubts about what to expect and how to prepare. Don’t worry, I’m here to help you out with some practical advice that I learned from my own experience as a BAMS student.

In this blog post, I’m going to share with you some study tips that will help you ace your first year of BAMS. The first year can be challenging, especially if you are not familiar with Sanskrit or Ayurvedic concepts. But with some dedication and smart strategies, you can overcome your fears and get new experiences.

Here are some study tips that worked for me in the first year of BAMS:

1. Learn shlokas by repetition. Shlokas are verses that contain the core principles of Ayurveda. They are written in Sanskrit, which can be intimidating for some students. But there is only one way to learn them: read, learn, write, and repeat. The more you practice, the more you will memorize and understand them. You can also use audio recordings or apps to listen and recite along.

2. Understand the concepts, don’t mug up. Ayurveda is a science of life that has a holistic approach to health and wellness. It is not just a collection of facts or formulas that you can cram for exams. You need to understand the concepts behind each topic, such as doshas, dhatus, srotas, agni, etc. Try to relate them to your own body and experience. Use diagrams, charts, tables, or flashcards to visualize and organize the information.

3. Solve previous year’s papers. One of the best ways to prepare for exams is to solve previous year’s papers. This will help you get familiar with the pattern, difficulty level, and marking scheme of the questions. It will also improve your answer writing skills and time management. You can find previous year’s papers online or from your seniors or teachers.

4. Interact with your teachers. Your teachers are your best guides and mentors in your BAMS journey. They have the knowledge and experience that you can benefit from. Don’t hesitate to ask them questions, doubts, or clarifications on any topic. Attend their lectures, seminars, workshops, and practical sessions regularly. Show them your interest and enthusiasm for learning.

5. Balance your time among all subjects. BAMS has a vast and diverse syllabus that covers both Ayurvedic and modern subjects. You need to give equal time and attention to all subjects, whether they are theory or practical, easy or hard, interesting or boring. Don’t neglect any subject or topic, as they are all interrelated and important for your overall understanding of Ayurveda.

These are some of the study tips that helped me in my first year of BAMS. I hope they will help you too. Remember, BAMS is not just a course, it is a way of life. It will teach you not only about medicine but also about yourself and the world around you. So enjoy the learning process and keep an open mind.

If you liked this blog post, please share it with your friends and fellow students. And don’t forget to subscribe to my blog for more tips and insights on BAMS. Thank you for reading!

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1 year ago

myself vidya
my 1st year bams exam is near is it ok to solve only previous year quewstion papers and how many previous question papers shd i solve and whats RS CONCEPT in question paper

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