AIAPGET 2021 QUESTION PAPER with ANSWERS KEY – AIAPGET 2021 Answers Key with reference

Notes Details: Course: BAMS | Subject: AIAPGET 2021 QUESTION PAPER | Language: Hindi, English.

 AIAPGET is ALL INDIA AYUSH POST GRADUATION ENTRANCE TEST for AYUSH Students (Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Unani, Siddha). AIAPGET 2021 is conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA). AIAPGET AYURVEDA 2021 Question paper given below with answers key and textual reference. 


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The exam is conducted on 18 Sept 2021. The Question paper provided is based on the Memory of Students appearing in the exam. Answer key with their reference is all provided with this AIAPGET 2021 QUESTION PAPER.


1. Harsha Pipplika sancharam iva is the
feature of which avrutha acc to AH

– Mamsavrutha ( AH Ni 16/- )

2. Swaravanga ralio of parada snd vanga

– 1:1

3. Project Indradhanush was implemented
in year

– 2014

4. Samanya lakshana of marmakshata

– samelaynam (Su su 25/- )

5. karshya occurs in which month for

– 5th moath (Ch Sa 4/-)

6. Ksheera yavagu acc to Bhela

– 5th M

7. Srotho moolas – Match the following:

Mamsa – Snayu twak,

asthi – Medomoolam Jaghanam,

majja – Asthimoota sandhi,

medo – Vrikko vepavahanam (Ch Vi 5/-)

8. Acc to Kashyapa indication of Valka

– Atisara

9. Karbura jaluka lakshana

– Chinna unnatha kukshi (Su SU 13/-)

10.Match the following acc to Charaka :

Sidhma- VK

dadru- PX

vicharchika -K

rishyjithwa- VP (Ch Chi 7/-)

11. Match the following

Niryasa : Shalmall – Mocharasa , Saraia –
Sreeveshtaka , Rala- sala , Sallaki – Kundwu

12. Match the fallowing

Naloxone – Opium

ethylene glycol – ethanol

 pencillammine – Cu

Acetyl cysteine -Paracetamol

13. Gunas and prakrithi match the
following Acc to Charaka (Ch Vi 8/-)


Sukumara- Ushnam

sputitha anga avayava – viseda

Acha – Prasanns vadanam

14, Ace to Hareetha- ardhachandra sastra
is used for

– Mrtagarbha

15. Hanavya in children indicates

– Dantha beda

16. Saptadravyasangraham in which

– Kushta (Ch Ni 5/-)

17. Copyright , trademark .. indicates

– Intellectual properties

18. Finance minister on 15 th May
planted medicinal plants name of the yojana

– Pradhan manthri vriksha ayush yojana

19.Which among the foltowing is not
prasasta sukra lakshana

– Visra (Su Sa 2/-)

20.Acc to Susrutha, Which one among the
following is Pitha samana

– Prithvi + jala + Vayu ( Su su 41/-)

21. According to kashyapa , dhoopa in
Kaphaja roga and greeshma rtu

– Varuna dhoopa

22. Acc to kashyapa common anupana in
abhyanthara snehapana

– Ushna jala

23. Which marma vidha cause kundatha

– Mantbhanda (Su Sa 6/-)

24. Chvostek sign, tetani, vomitting in
which poisoning

– Oxalic acid

25. Meniere’s disease feature

– Vomiting , vertigo, sensory heraring loss
, Tinitus

26. TailaPanchaka is indicated in which

– guima ( Ch chi 5/-)

27. sweda indicated for children in 3 rd
month acc to kashyapa

–  Haste

28. Acc to susrutha, Sidharthaka taila
uiharavasti is indicated in

– Apara Apatana ( SU sa 10/-)

29. Acc to Surutha , Garbaaspandana and
kukshi anunnathi is feature of

– Garbha kshaya (Su su 15/-)

30. Indriyani drideekaroti ,
vatanulomano, Bala vardhanam is which rasa

– Amla (Ch su 26/-)

31. Plant identification

– Ashwagandha

32. Acc to Charaka Vaikaraanam cha
swapnam adarshanam

– Karya ( Ch Vi 8/-)

33: Acc to Hareeta pancakola yavagu used
in which doshika mudagarbha

– Vata

34. Acc to Surutha, Which among the
following is not a complication of prathisyaya

– Swasa ( Su U 24/-)

35. Acc
to … 2016 shelf life of haridrakanda

– 2yr

36. Acc to dalhana, स्वरवहेसु स्रोत:सु
शब्दवाहिनीसु धमनीसु

– Sabdavaha dhamani

37. Which among these is a feature of
Charcot joints

– Progressive degenerative arthropathy

38. Acc to AH , Dosha predominance of

– VK (AH su 8/-)

39. While giving Snehapana, anuvasana
and asthapana in Gulma, which dosha should be considered

– KP (Ch Chi 5/-)

40. Vasti indicated in sadaatura

– Nikumba talla anuvasana (Ch Si 11/-)

41. According to Charaka,
Taleesapathradi choorna is indicated in rajayakshma . It is also indicated in

– Grahani ( Ch chi 15/-}

42. Chirath pakam kayasya gouravam is
the lakshana of

– Grahani poorvarupa ( Ch Chi 15/-)

43. Acc to Charaka ,Sarva budhyanga
heena is seen in which type of satwa

– Vaanaspathya ( Ch Sa 4/-)

44. Phalathrikadi kwatha anupana

– Madhu ( Ch Chi 6/-)

45. Acc to Charaka, Not an udavartha

– Hikka ( Ch Chi 26/-)

46, Acc to Charaka , Annavrita vata

– Mrdu Virechanam (Ch Si 4/-)

47. A Krichravyavaayatha is feature of athi

B : Theekshagni in athi sthoota occurs due
to Vata vridhi 

– A&B Is correct, but B is not correct reasoning for A

48. Acc to Kashyapa Avyahatam is the
lakshana of

– Shudha ksheera

49. New drug indicated for a rare
medical condition

– Orphan drug

50. Mandavibrasa is the other name of
which snehamatra

– Madhyama (Ch su 13/-)

51. Acc to RRS Druti is stored in which

– Kusumba talla

52. Which roga has feature of

– Upanaha ( Ah U 10/-)

53. Length of cloth in Gandhaka druti

– 1 Aratni

54. Kulathavath sadrisha is a feature
seen in

– Kshata visarpa ( Su Ni 10/-)

55. Punaaratmaka is which sandhi

– Visarga sandhi

56. Institute of national importance

– ITRA Jamnagar

57. Match the following Acc. To madhav
nidana ( MN 2/-)

Trika grahi – KP,

Siro grahi – VP,

Jangha gtrahi – X,

prishta grahi- VK

58. Which among the foll
Aharaparinamakara bhavas is wrong acc to AH

– Kala- Samyoga ( AH Sa3/-)

59. Lakshana of Panasika

– Shalookavath ( Su NI 13/-)

60. Vitarka, kriya, arthapathi, which is
not a lakshana of researcher acc to charaka

– Arthapathi (Ch Su 9/-)

61. Udarda lakshana among the following

– Vata vridhi is not included ( Mandalam ,
Sisira, kaphadhikya

present )

62. Drug not included in deepaniya
Soolaghna yavagu according to Charaka

– Maricha ( Ch Su 2/-)

63. Match the following

Syavaa vartma – Daha kandu parikledi

klinna vartma – Kandu nistoda,

aklinna vastma – vartmanysparipakwani (Su U

64. Ervarubeejapratima

– Arsho vartma ( Su U 3/-)

65. Assertion reasoning

A: In chyavanaprasha madhu and ghrita is
in equal quantity but not virudha

B: Because it is in combination with
other drugs which makes it Avirudha

– Both correct

66. Abhava prathinidhi dravya match the

Draksha – Gambhari phala,

rakthachandana – Nava usheera,

Atlvisha – Musta ,

Nagakesare – Padmakesara

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67. Acc to Susrutha Budhi is formed in
6th month .

Acc toi Charaka Bala varna Upachaya in
6th Month –

Both are correct

68. North Eastem institute of Ayurveda
& Follk medicine

– Pashighat

69. Match the following:

Brhat panchamula- Agnimatha ,

valli penchamula- Rajani ,

kantaka- Saireyaka ,

madyama- eranda

70. Nithya mukha dharana dravya acc to
ashtanga hridaya

– Talla ( AH SU 22/-)

71.A: In Asbetosis , Asbetos particles
are seen in sputum

B : chest xray of asbetosis show snow
storm appearance in lower 2/3 rd of lung

– A Correct B wrong

72. Yoni vata vikaranam that peetham
garbadam param

– Kashmaryadi gritha (AH U 34/-)

73.Author of chaturvarga chintamani….


74. Match the following :

Commiphora mukul- Palankasha ,

curcuma longa- Hatta vilasini ,

stereosperumum saveoiens- Alivailabha

Ferula narthax – Sahsravedhi

75. Acc to Brihat rasa raja treatment of
vanga vikara

– meshasrngi + Sita

76. Acc to AH Sarva vyapaka raktha
dushti elimination by

– Stravyadha ( AH Su 26/-)

77. A: Prathinidhi dravya of Jeevaka
rishabhaka is vidarigandha

B: Prathinidhi dravya of meda mahameda
is Ashwagandha

– A is correct B is wrong

78. Author of rasaratnakara

– Nityananda

79. Drug not in vamanopaga dasemani

– Droni pushpi (Ch Su 4/-) |

80. WHO Global centre for Traditional
medicine centre

– India

81. Acc to Kashyapa . Prathama snehapana
is the treatment for

– Stanakeelaka

82. Spinal neural tube defect is due to
deficiency of vitamin

– Folic acid

83. Objectionable advertisement is told

– Drug & Magic remedies 1954

84.Match the faliowing

Snansa – Balapradam ,

Vyayama – Medo kshaya ,

Udvarthana – Sthithikaransm anganam,

Abhyangam – Sutvak (AH su 2/-)

85. Acc to Charaka Ashmavrutham yadha is
lakshana of

– K Hrdroga

86. Assertion : Hcl initiates the action
of pepsinogen Reasoning : Hcl coverts pepsinogen into pepsin

– R is the correct reasoning for A

87. Match the following

Vishada -kshalana ,


Manda – Samanam ,

Slakshana – Ropana

88. Acc to madava nidana Divaswapnam
urdvekshanam is the nidana of

– Manya sthamba

89. Udamantha is

– contraindicated in varsha (Ch su 6/-)

90. Sandivislesho gatranam sadanam Dosha
chyavanam kriya sannirodhascha ….lakshana of

– Ojo Visramsa (SU su 15/-)

91. Length of netra in pradhamana dhooma

– 6A ( Ch Si 9/-)

92. Shalakayantra used tor agni karma

– Ankushavadana ( Su su 7/-)

93. Rasasindoora dose o above age
12-year age acc to Rasa vagbhata

– 1 ratti

94. Match the following Gandupa

Aatopa – Gandupada ,

Pandu – Puresshaja ,

Kusta – Raktaja ,

Shiroroga – Kaphaja

95: Yantra used for Rasabhasma

– Damaru yantra & Puta yantra

96. National institute of sowa rigpa

– Leh

97. Women of age 29 with Hb 7.32 …..

B Thalassemia ?

98. NEIAH – North eastern institute of
Ayurveda & Homeopathy

– Shillong

100. Acc to Susrutha , Not in
dushivishari agada

– Yastimadhu (Su Ka 2/-)

101. Statemet A : RTPCR value greater
than 35 is negative or mild positive

Statement B : When RTPCR value – lesser
number indicates greater severity and vice versa

– R is the correct explanation of A

102. Match the following Narayana churna

Udara – Takra, 

Ajeerna – Ushnambu , 

Dadiambu – Arshas , 

dadhi manda – Vitsanga ( Ch Chi 13/-)


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